Man looking across at mountains

Some may find instituting all the required changes quite daunting to make from the start. But you have the option of doing it gradually over four weeks by using this Four-Week Challenge. You would add a different element each day for four weeks during the challenge. You will need to continue the interventions from the previous day for this plan to work. This approach will cause you to take longer to reap the benefits than those who start everything from the beginning. But, it will not make much difference in the long run once you incorporate all the changes. This plan is based on a whole food, plant-based diet which is just one of the possible approaches to diabetes remission.


Week 1

  • Day 1 – Transition to plant-based proteins as soon as possible.
  • Day 2 – Eat at least 2 cups of fresh raw vegetables daily, which can be blended.
  • Day 3 – Get probiotic and antioxidant (such as turmeric) supplements.
  • Day 4 – Use whole, low-glycemic carbs, such as quinoa, brown rice and green banana instead of processed ones.
  • Day 5 – Have a moderate breakfast by 9 am and a medium lunch by 4 pm.
  • Day 6 – Add at least 1 tablespoon of grounded flaxseed, or other healthy fibre, to each meal.
  • Day 7 – Drink at least 10 cups of room-temperature water, and avoid drinks and fruit juices.
Glass of water

Week 2

  • Day 1 – Use almond or whole soy milk instead of cow’s and oats milk.
  • Day 2 – Try some yoghurt or kefir instead of ice cream. Use non-dairy cheese, if used at all.
  • Day 3 – Eat 1.5 servings of fresh fruits daily. Also, use dried fruits such as prunes and dates.
  • Day 4 – Help at least one person daily, even if it’s just a compliment. Connect with like-minded persons.
  • Day 5 – Play an outdoor game with your friends or family, like table tennis or football, instead of watching TV or using other electronic devices.
  • Day 6 – Have fun trying out a new recipe with your family instead of buying fast food.
  • Day 7 – Spend at least 30 minutes in healthy sunlight daily.


Week 3

  • Day 1 – Avoid snacking and late eating.
  • Day 2 – Turn off all electronic devices by 8 pm and read a book instead.
  • Day 3 – Tell God about your day before going to bed.
  • Day 4 – Consider using intermittent fasting.
  • Day 5 – Briskly walk for 30 – 60 minutes in the evenings.
  • Day 6 – If you are cleaning, use soapy water with vinegar. Don’t use any bleach or disinfectant.
  • Day 7 – Spend at least 15 minutes relaxing in a quiet place with your eyes closed. Take some deep breaths at times. Play some soothing music.
Person lying in hammock

Week 4

  • Day 1 – Use a bath soap and lotion without colour, fragrance, or antibacterial ingredients.
  • Day 2 – Prayerfully read at least five verses of the Bible daily.
  • Day 3 – Cook your food at least one day in advance.
  • Day 4 – Try out boiled or steamed foods, such as sweet potato, yam, or green bananas, instead of fried.
  • Day 5 – Make sure to go to bed no later than 10 pm.
  • Day 6 – Plan your day at least one day before. Reflect on your day in the evenings to see where you could improve. Consider mindfulness meditation.
  • Day 7 – Give thanks for what you have every day and write them down.

Completing this challenge successfully does not guarantee remission in four weeks. The time it takes will vary from person to person and depends on several factors, such as the severity of your diabetes.

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